Any Lawyers Here?

They didn’t even wait until she was dead… and it’s not like she was rich and had a lavish home or anything… lol

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Unfortunately I do better than most in this community, so they probably think I have something. BUT THEY"RE WRONG!
Got some camping gear.

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I got a 20 year old car and couple guitars.

Nah - that won’t help. Thanks though. :laughing:

Not knowing the particulars of what it looks like you owe for that event and what your assets and income and debts are, but like D_M said, a BK is pretty quick and easy and individuals do it a lot, and in all my years in the Car Biz looking at peoples credit, I can tell a whole bunch of people file bankruptcy because of medical emergencies,

If you haven’t already the googles have all kinds of info about bankruptcy

Go 7 Young Man. It’s over and done with, go 13 you get assigned to some dick head that will own your ass for the term of the bankruptcy, or until you have satisfied your creditors by a trustee managed court approved repayment plan, you don’'t want that.


Yeah, 7 is the way to go and it’s never challenged.

My wife had to do it too 25 years ago for medical bills. In her case it was pre-Existing condition bullshit. Told her she was covered and then 4 months later changed their mind. $40K. She would have never recovered on her income.

BK was not bad for me. I never had any problems getting financing or a better job or anything else. In fact, I bought 2 new cars and a house whIle under the BK cloak.

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I’m doin’ it !

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I have to say that reading this makes me incredibly sad.

No one should have to declare bankruptcy in a first world country over medical bills. The fact that your insurance is limited to certain hospitals or treatments is bullshit.

I’m sorry you guys have this kind of care in your country. It’s not right.


You are right. But after feinting left, Obama went right and fuckt a whole lot of people. I would not have had this problem prior to 3 years ago.
Thanks Obama.

You mean where he had to pander to the fucks on the right to get people covered at all?

I mean it was a set up from the beginning that anyone should have seen coming. I wasn’t the only one.

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You guys deserve universal health care.

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Help me understand how you were adversely impacted by Obamacare. If you already had health care coverage via work, that shouldn’t have changed.

Well - the year of Obamacare I suddenly had a 3500 dollar deductible having never had one before. In those three years I’ve had to pull thousands of dollars out of my pocket and now this. Yes - it wouldn’t have happened. My objection to the thing from the beginning, however, was that you were covered for the same types of treatment - allopathic - and there was no “reform” of healthcare. No single payer, and no alternative medicine choices.

So if I could somehow afford health insurance I couldn’t just go to any hospital?

Sure - but you may or may not be covered. Even Medicare isn’t universally accepted. A hospital can’t refuse you service, but they may bill you outrageous sums.

It’s definitely not right. Right now, the hospital I went to when I broke my arm is taking automatic payments out of my bank account every month because that sucker cost me ten thousand dollars.


That’s why when I break shit I wrap it up and bear it… broken arm would probably need “set” or whatever though… might be a little tougher to non doc it…

That makes me feel sick.

Both the bones in my arm were completely severed. There would have been no way. It wasn’t a small fracture.

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