Vote for Bernie!


Who’s voting for Bernie?

In FDR’s time, those who held the views some of us hold today were the mainstream, and the “far left” were the Bolsheviks. Today, the GOP wants to tag Bernie a Bolshevik and run against 1935. Thanks to instant access to information, we’re looking at a real teaching moment ahead in US elections.


You’ve got that right.

Thomas Jefferson was wrong. We’ve known this for some time.

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While the article is true, I dispute the conclusion about Jefferson’s being wrong. What I expect he might say to the article is something like this:

You dolts–that is no Democracy, nor did we intend it to be one. That is not Education, because Education is less about mere facts and more about the interplay of competing ideas in the minds of truly educated, literate people who routinely think critically. All of you are laboring under some massine delusions if you think a single bit of what you are living with is anything we designed or meant to “bequeath” to you.

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Lookit, I’m to the point in life where I have to worry about ME. I’m sure Sander’s is a decent enough fellow, but I have to worry about MY situation and thus far it appears his platform will do the least to help ME and most to damage ME. I don’t give a rat’s ass about the “greater good” or “society as a whole”. Fukk income & wealth equality, fukk free college, fukk creating decent paying jobs, fukk a living wage, fukk combating climate change, fukk LGBT equality, fukk reforming Wall Street, fukk tax reform. Fukk all that shit that’s going to take a bite out of my paycheck… fukk Sanders and fukk you too.

Do you honestly think any of the other candidates will improve your situation? If you don’t think CONs have kept your wages low, you’re delusional.

No, I don’t. At this point all I can do is voat for whomever will do the least damage to me and I don’t really even know who that is. Now, one of Carson’s local guys did score me some seats to the upcoming Sabbath show… 4th row left center… and I suppose I should give him my voat, but I doubt old Ben will still be in the running come November.

Sander’s is simply delusional.

You don’t make enough money for CONs to give a shit how high your tax rate is, you know.

How do we know how much money D_M makes??

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Well, my dear, he frequently posts about not being able to afford his mortgage. He even posted about offing himself because of it. And he often posts about his shitty car. So, yeah, I’m guessing.

I’m leaning toward Sanders because he seems to be the only one who knows what he’s trying to do.

I am minded of that classic scene in “Patton” -

Capt. Richard N. Jenson: What are you doing there, soldier?
Soldier getting up from floor: Trying to get some sleep, sir.
Patton: Well, get back down there, son. You’re the only son of a bitch in this headquarters who knows what he’s trying to do.<

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You guys need to calm down with this “Bernie Sanders can’t be bought” narrative. I gave his campaign like $27 last summer and now he espouses every one of my political opinions.


I think Bernie’s low point in the debate was when he spouted the party line on Illegal Immigration …“bring people out of the shadows”… bullshit. He should have stuck to his original Liberal’s position on that and guns.

One of Clinton’s lows was when she tried to divorce herself from the Dem establishment by saying to the effect - I’m a woman candidate for president, how could I be political establishment? I’m sure her base is dim-witted enough to think that was a good answer but the thinkers in the audience could only laugh and roll their eyes.

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Reagan - Salary increased significantly, snorting coke and living the high life
Bush I - Salary increased significantly, bought new car and scoring pussy left and right
Clinton - Filed bankruptcy, lost job, suicidal
Bush 2 - Moved to sunny California, salary doubled, bought 2 new cars
Obama - Escrow went up, in danger of foreclosure, bills past due, suicidal

Do you see a pattern here?

Based on your timeline, it looks to me like you are due for a new car, YW.


The only pattern I’m seeing is the old “post hoc, ergo propter hoc” fallacy.

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So your life runs opposite to the vast majority of Americans’ lives. Most of us did better under the Dems.

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