All Muslims really ARE terrible people

You do - you defend the religion that inspires them daily.

Please - spare me. I know you are going to say you don’t but you do. End of story.

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Yeah. You’re simple. I don’t defend the religion. I am telling you that you cannot claim all Muslims believe in terrorism. That’s downright ignorant. It’s completely untrue. I am not here to defend any religion. I defend people who aren’t violent from massively prejudiced people such as yourself. That is all.

Reeeeeally - that’s a very special and insightful message, LotusBud. It’s a good thing you are here to enlighten us.

Who ever claimed all muslims are terrorists? Link? many many are nothing but victims of the circumstance into which they were born, that shitty religion and the cultures it informs.

But there is a curve of concern for me that dimishes the further someone or something happens to relate to me, Family, Lovers, Friends, co-workers and so on, strangers in strange lands end up a ways down that on the right side of that curve

To wit.

This chart is showing MPC in Macro, but the average individual’s MPC curve runs the same.

I didn’t say anyone did. Idjit. (Oh, sorry. Is that pretentious?)

They may not all believe overtly in terrorism, but there is not a single Moslem, not one, that believes that Islam can co-exist with non-believers. All Moslems believe in the Caliphate. It’s not a matter of if, just when.

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Well - you feel you need to tell people that not all muslims “believe” in terrorism. I was just saying thanks for your good efforts lest we all wallow in ignorance and be all like uninformed.

Bullshit. I know Muslims who don’t believe that.

That’s like saying all Christians believe in the rapture, and that all non-Christians are going to hell. Sorry, not all Christians believe that bullshit, either.

Who said they do? Link? What you don’t realize is how deftly I maneuvered you into acknowledging that Islam is the poisoned well I’ve said it was or you’d be defending the religion rather than the fools who follow it. :laughing:


I gotcher Link right here, pal.

No you don’t. While it’s true not all Christians believe in the Rapture, it’s absolutely true that all Moslems believe in the eventual arrival of the Madhi and resulting Fitnah. There is no wiggle room with that part of the Quran. All infidels will either convert or die. If you really know any Moslems, ask them, and don’t use Western terms. Use the Arabic terms I’ve provided. You are viewing Islam through rose Colored glasses.

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Sing This All Together, I want everyone who can hear me to click the start deal, close your eyes and listen.

One of the Stones least Stonelike song one of the weirder more avant garde’ ones, but definitely an underappreciated track is this one a vocal *ie, no one, not even Mick, not even once, sings on this.

And for comparisons sake, here is the one off the album you may have heard.

You don’t understand that not all Muslims are strong adherents of the Quran. Just like with Christians, they are human beings who sometimes pick and choose what they believe. Have you interviewed every Muslim on the planet?

Yes they are or they are not Moslems. It’s not like Christianity. You see, Christians are wishy washy when it comes to the Bible. There are hundreds of different Christian sects … and as such hundreds of different translations. In fact, there are many different versions of the Christian Bible. Hell, some people who consider themselves Christians outright scoff at the Bible.

That’s simply not true of Islam and the Quran. The very nature of Islam is the Quran. There is only a few different Islamic sects and they all read from and follow the same Quran… the only Quran. Yes, there are very slight variations in how the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds interpret the text, but they all follow the same basic tenants, especially the apocryphal gospels. You are projecting a Western view of Islam.

Show me one Moslem that isn’t a strong adherent to the Quran. You can’t. They don’t exist.

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