What is wrong with Oak?

You have got to be shitting me. You have a thing with women of color, don’t you? Racist…Jesus Fucking Christ!!!

YOU are talking about MY SO. I’ve done or said nothing to you, pussy

You fucking talk about it repeatedly, then forbid anyone from responding or reacting. It’s fucking horseshit.

No, it’s not. It’s NOT your place.

I’m sorry you’re too evil to understand or care about others’ families.

You LIBS seem to be that full of a deep hatred that makes you that irrational.

I’m sorry you’re too fucking dense to understand that when you say things about your SO, people on a troll board are going to comment. The fact that you think we shouldn’t is utterly asinine.

You often say you don’t understand people that “troll”…so I guess it means YOU can’t be trolled?

Should I start trolling you on your husband? Whether you mention it or not is immaterial.

On “troll” boards, everything goes, right? Or is it just selective?

Seems like you’re just justifying being a shitty human being.

Ridiculing Fox “News” watchers is a time-honored tradition here. YOU brought your SO into the conversation by sharing publicly that you’re shacking up with a Fox “News” drinking, global warming denier.

It’s all your fault, whiner.

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He’s not HERE, nag.

Even people on “your side” like Spoon acknowledge it’s poor form, so has Rabbit publicly said so. And no, I’m not dragging them into the argument…I am saying that there is more than one perspective on this…NAG

YOU don’t have the final word on this. YOU don’t get to decide.

Tough shit. JJ’s not here, and we drag him into the conversation now and then.

You feel a compulsion to share many details of your personal life here. Don’t expect people to pretend they never heard or have opinions about any of the shit you say about him. It’s absurd to ask that of people.

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You’re a shitty person and you are spending lots of time justifying just how shitty you are.

You’re trying waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard.

OK. Whatever you say, Empress Oak.

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^^desperate shitty human being^^

You don’t get to decide what I say.

I have never said anything that wasn’t a response to PUBLIC information. If you don’t like it, don’t read my posts.

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I’m not deciding what you say.

I am telling you that you are a shitty desperate human being.

The irony is sublime…coming from Nagatha that does nothing but bitch at me for almost everything I post.

You’re the biggest pendeja I’ve ever had the misfortune to cross paths with…

Meh. Progressivism has always had a component of moral finger wagging.


And of course Social Conservatism never did…

They’re branches of the original progressivsm movement.

What is “they”?

Today’s Progs and Cons

You mean kind of like we all came from one mother in Africa?