Red State values, chapter #327562002

Apparently being drunk enough to pass out is implied consent. This goes beyond the “she didn’t take steps to protect herself” right into “therefore he didn’t do anything wrong”.

This will be a huuuge relief to Dawgrape.

In Canada, you cannot legally give consent to participate in sex acts while intoxicated. If you are passed out, even less so because you are unable to revoke consent at any time during the sex act.

Oklahoma needs to be put out of its misery.

But, I guess this means if I see a passed out male drunk in OK, I can stick a poker up his ass if I feel like it. Yay for that!

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A buddy of mine told a story about when he was in college he stuck a tuna fish sandwich in the ass crack of a passed out girl at some party.

Clearly he didn’t stop to think about the starving kids in Africa before he wasted a perfectly good sandwich.

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Why do Progs hate the law?

Because the law is sometimes unjust, which is why we have judges to make judgements. And sometimes the judges are seriously short on ethics.

How is interpreting the law correctly a shortcoming in ethics?

It is not the fault of the citizen, or the judge, if the law falls short is it? Or did you miss who makes the law and equal treatment under it in civics class?

If anything, not falling sway to the popular outrage and doing one’s job is the height of integrity. How can it not be?

LOL at Dawg!

And of course this story came from Raw Story, land of the let’s make up our ethics as we go along.

In the story from this post:

You can read through the comments and find people defending the girls because they were teenagers who didn’t have fully developed brains. You never hear that shit on a case like this. It’s always, “He was nearly an adult!!! He knew what he was doing!!!”