Lotus - Lehigh is hiring big time - ya could live by me

I wasn’t countering anything you, or anyone, said when I expressed my opinion in the other thread and you decided it was a good idea to get all snarky, and accuse me of talking out of my ass.

But, don’t worry. I am clear on the rules, your majesty. What’s fine for you is not fine for me. I get it, Meltie McMajesty!

The $23 per credit hour was early 80’s. I’m sure it’s much more today.

Actually, community colleges in CA are $46 a unit now, but they went up drastically during the Bush recession. They were still 20 something in 2007.

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When I started school, I think it was $50/credit. That was in the late 90s.

Wow, that ain’t bad at all. I figured by now it was at least $100 .

Socialism at work, baby! :wink:

I am often baffled why people shit on socialism as some great evil. An educated populace, as I am sure you well know, is a benefit to a society but for some reason, making that education accessible is a terrible thing. Do you hear that down your way as well?

The privatize everything brigade has been trying to destroy public education for decades. It’s part of the reason why we have so few full-time professors these days. It’s all about the ability to profit from education. They are complete idiots.

I’m not sure whether this is partially my opinion and partially fact, or just all fact. But it’s my post, and I stand behind it.

The whole PPP thing has been disasterous. Why we would even give it any consideration when it comes to education is beyond me. These things are far too important to leave in the hands of capitalism, which cannot be trusted. I assume your private schools are generally overpriced and shitty as well.

I reserve the right to call you out on the contents regardless of fact or opinion.


I reserve the right to call you out as well. Especially when yer gaslighting.

Of course.

I expect to be called out if I say something incorrect or assinine. I’ll try to not take it personally, carry it through multiple threads, or call you immature and uninspired names in the process. :wink:

I imagine that you think that post means you win!

DISCLAIMER: I used the word “imagine.” You fucking know what that means.

I do think the college/university bachelor program is a waste of time and money. We should be designing work focused programming that is workplace relevant and allows for faster re-training.

sigh Alrighty then.

I’m not celebrating being on this riduculous hamster wheel with you once again. I find it exhausting and boring and wish it would stop. I have no problem sharing how I’ll be part of the solution to that going forward.

You disagree?