Losers Lose Again - No Vote Today

Just hearing on radio - Vote not to happen today.



Too many CONs don’t want to be primaried by their constituents. LMAO.


You slap a bill together in a couple of months and it’s going to pass? Holy delusional Batman!

Let’s see if Drumf follows through on his claim to be done with this item.

Wouldn’t fixing Obamacare just require a cap on what insurance companies can charge people?

LMAO. The CONs will NEVER, EVER cap what consumers can be charged for anything. Not ever.

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My best friend is American and so far, the cost of insurance is the only thing I’ve heard her bitch about (she’s a Republican). Wouldn’t some caps on premiums make the public happy?

Yes. It would make the public happy. But not the corporate whores in Congress, or the people who fund their campaigns. CONs (and Dems) screw their constituents all the time. They just pretty up the screwing with nice lies.


Fuck em. No one should be getting rich off the misery of others.


Isn’t it hard to be best friends with a CON? I have a very dear friend (English) who is a big CON. She transitioned into a CON over time (voted for Brexit). I have a hard time feeling as close to her as I once did, because I think she has lost her mind.

Meh, I don’t even have a problem being friends with feminists…I pretty much get along with everyone.

She’s a sheeple and just goes along with her husband but we got into actual arguments which is something we have never done before. Now we just don’t talk politics.

I would never let political leanings or opinions ruin the friendship I have with my best friend.

I would have to seriously question the friendship. I mean - it’s not like having different tastes in music.


I understand. It’s not that I let it, with my friend. It’s that she says things all the time that are diametrically opposed to everything I value. It’s hard to feel as close to her when I know she has so much hatred for those who are less fortunate.


You are right. Music is more important.

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And if she was married to a Democrat, she would have voted for Hillary so how much weight can I put into her political convictions really?

The thing I had the most trouble with is her spouting off about the less fortunate. When she first moved to the US, met a guy and got pregnant, he lost his job and they were on welfare and food stamps and such. Her lack of compassion for those in similar situations took me aback so I reminded her of her own situation and her hypocrisy which shut her up.

The only other comment that pissed me off was when I asked her how she could stand Trump’s disgusting attitude towards woman and she said, “Oh come on! You would love it if Trump grabbed your pussy.” I would have only liked it because I’d immediately turn around and charge his ass with sexual assault. I just can’t believe she said it.

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I wonder if the Republicans are tired of “winning” yet?


Six calls bullshit on that - if they are cons - fuck em - nuff sed

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