And George Clooney can go fuck himself

what an asshole

he picks out cupcakes for years and years and treats women as if they’re the problem

finally ran across one with a brain and decided marriage is alright.

what an asshole - typical LIB

she’s hot and smart.

Right, she most certainly is beautiful and smart.

He’s the asshole, not her.

Hey, the guy had his pick.
Can’t blame him for that.

Yes, he did. He was hot for awhile during ER…he went downhill fast in my opinion.

But he is still an asshole.

here’s the thing about marriages like that: they never see each other. It’s more like a business deal.

I guess that could be true. I think he’s lucky.

5 will get you 10 that this “marriage” last less than 6 years. And that’s with me being charitable and spotting them 3 years.

Because CON men don’t do that shit? Really?

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Yeah, ten Academy Award nominations - for acting, directing, screenwriting, and best picture - and two wins.


That’s really “downhill”.



She’s just angry because he never wrote back.


She’s just angry, period EOM.

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Academy Awards…lmao

Those are really meaningful. Even better than a Fields Medal, ha?

Actors award themselves move awards than politicians, even. Christ… how many award shows are there, and does anyone here have a say in who wins?

I am now formally and forthwith announcing myself as winner of this thread.

“I’M the winner of this thread!”

No, I’M the winner of this thread.


I finally lost respect for the academy when it gave Denzel Washington an academy award at the same time Halle Berry was being awarded. How cute, let’s vote them both in and show how open and liberal we are.

The problem was that Washington was awarded for that trash movie “training day”…why not for Malcom X?

They’re full of shit.


I don’t spend more than ten seconds a year thinking about George Clooney.