Thought for the day

NO, because you rank all your choices on one ballot. It gets counted until all your choices are gone. One election day.

Did Marx invent that?

Graucho, not Carl

Okay, I could go with that.


Itā€™s a way to eliminate the spoiler effect. it works. Proven in Australia and in some US local elections.

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If you want to see easy, our federal election ballots have a list of local Member of Parliament candidates and we mark a box next to a name. I havenā€™t seen more than 5 names on a ballot. Elections Canada reps then count the ballots and the party that has the most MPs wins the leadership.

We donā€™t vote for a Prime Minister (President).
We donā€™t vote on bills.
We donā€™t have any other shit on our ballots except a short list of names of local reps.


The California ballot is a mile long. Shit, if I didnā€™t have an absentee ballot, I probably wouldnā€™t even vote. Takes forever at the polling stations. 17 fukking propositions on the ballot this time.

We have none of that crap. We also donā€™t vote in judges, sheriffs, clerks - none of em.

So yer system puts itā€™s own judges in? Hitler did that

Honestly, itā€™s not the longest one Iā€™ve ever seen.

Itā€™s the judges who always stump me. I know nothing about them.


Yeah really. Who the fukk even hears about judges unless they are in some kind of ethics trouble? I just randomly vote for judges.

Open voating opened the day before mrsR and I flew out, and we hadnā€™t got our materials yet. So we went down to yer Registrarā€™s, got new materials, and mailed 'em out that day.

She was!

I thought that it was Roosevelt that packed the court.

Talkin about local judges sparky


The Bar Association or someone should be required to send out info on them, and include highlights of their record on cases.