Chess moments to live for

I started playing chess when I went to secondary school, that’s 11 years old for the Yanks amongst us. My friends (friend actually at the time), and I would stay up all night playing it.

Someone should ask Cindy or P, if they could stick up a chess board, not hard in terms of a site this size. I would genuinely enjoy that. Don’t get me wrong, all of you are quite witty, but most of you have the attention span of an attention span of an attention span that something about an attention span.

A game of chess sounds gid. Oh… and go go Biden.

The only chessers amongst us have been Bigdukesix and I. He doesn’t come around here any more, guess Boro ran him off or something. He plays a lot at and I play there a bit. The other woodpusher you may know from elsewhere is reaper / apophis and I had a good series with him recently at that free site I mentioned. Inbox me if you wanna look into that possibility, I can hook you up with all or any of the 3 of us.

Lion knows a bit about the game, so does Wabbit, but they claim to be patzers.

I try not to take life too seriously P, but sometimes you have to. I could not sit across from Reaper without accidently wiping all the pieces from the board and then beating him sensible with the table the board was sitting on.

Reaper is a mirror poster and simply regurgitates what is posted above him, so I would expect him to be not much of a challenge in terms of chess. He would simply mirror every move I make.

However I will DM you in regard to a match or ten, I fink I would enjoy dat.

Pretty sure that 8. b6# is mate because nvm the bishop, the c4 knight protects the pawn on
that square and the K has no escape square to run to. The d4 knight owns c6 and the Q owns the back rank.

I miss BD6

There is a mate in 7 from there…you don’t see it?

oh, the PAWN goes to b6, I was trying to move the bishop there which is why the N was in the way still.

I see it now.

My claim to be a patzer is well-earned. I treat these as logic puzzles but I can’t really think beyond 2 or 3 moves still. I could play more to see if I can improve but I don’t really wanna.

If “there” is the position in the diagram, then no… and neither, apparently, did the puzzle editor at the chess site.

You make the same mistake as most do that chess is mere logic, it isn’t, and never was. There is only a certain amount of spaces you can move within, but it is as much about what you do not move, than what you do.

That’s why it is considered as much an emotional game as a rational one.

There is a mate in 7.

I’ll look at the position tonight, over an actual board. Meanwhile, I await your demonstration.

It’s not a demonstration, a demonstration can only happen if I am facing you. It depends on whether you have nerve or not.

Best done in real-time, in a real match. Lay out the pieces and see where it leads you. I see it in seven.