Why is this being allowed?


Put them in prison.

I don’t see Ivanka’s dealings as being an issue but when Trump hosts at Mar-A-Lago on the people’s dime, that’s a problem.

Watch the video first and then tell me what you think. This is a serious report on the issue, by a woman who has been researching and reporting on it for months.

Okay. It’s not over an hour long so for you, I’ll watch this one and comment again.

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Okay I watched the whole thing.

I stand by my original comment and add that Trump’s conflicts need to be investigated more closely. Ivanka is a non-issue IMHO.

Jared is a huge issue, and I think Ivanka is, as well, because she is going around the world meeting with people as an envoy of POTUS, and blatantly coming away with massive business deals. It’s illegal, imo. He hasn’t given Jared or Ivanka official titles, I think in order to protect them from being prosecuted.

That being said, Trump himself CLEARLY needs to be investigated and probably charged, first and foremost.

I don’t see her coming away with huge business deals. She owned her business before Trump was president. Being related to the president is going to come with gains and losses regardless of what she does.

Her business is in a blind trust. That’s enough for me.

Trump on the other hand ran for a position and knew the restrictions upon winning. I think he’s in a conflict of interest every time he hosts in Florida.

She’s not just related to him. She’s taking an active role in his admin, and her husband is taking a VERY, VERY active role. And yes, she came away from China with three deals. The presidency is not a fucking business venture.

And yes, again, clearly he needs to be investigated.

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Two words on Ivanka: blind trust

Two words on Ivanka’s blind trust: bull shit.

What reason do you have to call bullshit on it?

I can’t believe anyone would bother to play devil’s advocate here, Starling. It’s an entire family of grifters, being cynically used by the Tea Party to keep folks distracted while they wreck the national government.

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Because I don’t believe Ivanka is knowingly complicit in this scheme. I don’t have any PROOF (funny thing that) to suggest otherwise.

I suppose it’s possible that she is too ignorant to know any better, but that does not give her a pass. She’s still a grifter.

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She knows exactly what she is doing. She’s a fucking liar, just like Daddy Tinyhands. She’s just got more finesse.


Let me say I would bet my life on it. That’s not proof, but what can I say?

Here are a few things to get you started. Read them, and then connect the dots.

What role Ivanka Trump plays in her father’s White House is among the pressing questions at the intersection of politics and business under the Trump administration.

Since her father became president, Ms. Trump has sat in meetings with political and business leaders at the White House, drawing criticism that she could use her informal adviser role to promote her brand. Now, she also works out of a West Wing office and is in the process of getting a security clearance and government-issued devices.

To address those concerns, Ms. Trump handed over day-to-day control of her company to her top executive, Abigail Klem, and transferred its assets to a new trust overseen by relatives of her husband.

I can smell the stench of her bullshit 3000 miles away.

Ivanka is a narcissistic, egotistical, vapid, bleached blonde bimbo who rode her daddy’s lap to fame and used her big fake boobs and whispering lilting voice to try to make herself seem approachable.

~Frances Langum

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