Why do some Caucasian men

behave like internet thugs?

How do you know they are Caucasian?

Lifetime of experience with white thugs.

Thugs too chicken shit to address the issue

Angry minority racist call out thread noted. See I knew I was right about Oak’s obsession with white males.

Boy, you’re easy.

I’ll fuck anything. Don’t flatter yourself

No one but you is thinking about sex.


Get back on the street. You’ll be thinking about sex in no time.

Does it frustrate you that this line of trolling doesn’t work?

Hey, all me Jeff or an angry white male and see how that works for you. LMAO!

All me?

English please.

Call me. and you didn’t even have to press two for that.

Why would I call any of you? You make no sense.

And you struggle with comprehension. Obvious you can’t put two and two together. BTW, it’s 4

Yeah, I can. I don’t like you and don’t find you an interesting individual. You’re a petty man with a huge ego that you think hides your vast insecurities.

In other words, I’d never call you even if you begged.

Please, If I flashed a 20 you’d be on your knees dislocating your jaw.

Oh, the spic whore troll.

The beaner troll

Boy you’re a totally wowie zowie poster…lmao

I’ll bet I could negotiate it to $10

My that’s original. Azz used that all the time. Lots of good it did him.