Well today was the big Colonoscopy

Today however is drink the poo cocktail day.

It is mixed and in the fridge.

Further updates as this riveting story develops.

Drinking that stuff is the worst of it, and it isn’t all that bad, really.

You could try thinking of yourself as a pornstar getting ready for your first big anal scene… lmao… tomorrow it’s lights, camera, action. hahaha

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It says it’s pineapple flavored…More like pineapple and chalk

Your a very sick man.

Yeah, that’s what I remember, thick goopy chalk.

PS, Pics or it never happened!

I’ll make sure my Doc gets me a glossy 8x10 of my colon

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But you’ll feel so cleansed after this is all over.

Been on the commode so much I feel cleansed already

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Think of it as your environmental service: adding valuable organic material back into the ecosystem.


Found and removed 3 polyps but no masses…Pictures as soon as I get them scanned!

That stuff is the worst ( i thing they improved it)

it took me 12 hours and I mixed it with lemon juice - a lot of lemon juice

the stuff would gag a fucking billy goat

@comeatmebro you asked for it.

What the fuck?! Looks like Lousy Bud crawled up your ass!

WTF turned you into such a fucking cunt?

Lousy Butt