Watch how many come back

As many of you know Michigan voted overwhelmingly to legalize recreational weed. State officials are working out taxing it, getting requests for dispensary licenses, working out rules (Not allowed on college campuses as those are technically federal things) etc. Well so far 108 communities/townships have said NO, we don’t want devil’s weed sold here. Under the law they are free to decline to have it sold there (it’s still legal, you just can’t buy it there).

Here’s the rub. If you don’t participate, ie opt out, NO munniez come your way from this, so the places that do opt in, get all the tax money raised from marijuana. You watch these 108 places so far, once it gets closer to being sold in stores in Jan 2020, most of them will come back in.

What about Oscoda Twp you ask?


That’s great news, now you will be able to finally get some relief from your restless leg syndrome!

Shit like illegal weed is why half the country are ignorant, backwards dumbfucks who feel lucky to score a min wage job… They don’t deserve to benefit from it. Let baby Jesus pay their bills!