Turks Shoot Down Russian War Plane

If Russia attacks Turkey from the rear, would Greece help?

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The Greeks would probably try to seize their own little piece at the same time.

They might, but as we know, The Turks are excellent Genocidalists.

Probably not as excellent as the Russians.

That’s true, Russia has set the bar pretty high in that area.

Turkey is part of NATO. We need to kick them out before they get us killed.

The people who shot down the plane were all screaming Allahu Akbar.

They’re just puppets, they probably shot it down under direct orders from NATO or someone in the CIA.

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It’s all convoluted.

The Turkmen are fighting Assad.
The Russians are backing Assad and bombing the Turkmen.
We’ve armed the Turkmen.
We’re semi-supporting the Russian bombings, only if they target ISIS.

Blah…Blah…Blah. It’s all fukked up over there.

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Well I just hope Halliburton’s profits aren’t hurt.

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Yup. That is what started it all.

Exactly. Everyone uses ISIS as an excuse to pursue their own pet projects in Syria and the ME.

The Rooskies are making it a point to start shit. They purposely fly much too close to our planes, they buzz our ships, and now one of their commie pinko pilots got what they deserve. Turkey in no way belongs in NATO, as that was just a provocation to tweak the Rooskie nose, and our gummint in its divine wisdom let them in. Guess who you can thank for that stupid shit?

The Rooskies are bent on flexing their military might, as are we. One day, the Rooskies and us are gonna duke it out with nukes.

We would never do that to them

Like fly the SR-71 over Russia 3 times a fucking day - till they retired them

As I said, we’re tweaking the Rooskie nose, too. And most of us know about the spy flights over Rooskieland for the past 50 years, just like the Rooskies are spying on us and we’re spying on the Chinks and everybody is spying on everybody else.

We still wanna take over the world - 100 better have tried and all failed, but they never learn

We, meaning our gummint. I personally don’t even wanna take over my neighborhood or even my local Subway. I’m a peaceful and kindly racist bigot lesbian. I would much rather smoke weed all day long, drink Tequila, and eat good food. This job thing gets in the way of that, but I’m working on a solution.

Yeah, the gubbermint - we could all live like fucking gods but they would rather war - well at least velcro came out of it

You’re forgetting Tang and those cool pens that write upside down too.

But look what I found hacking into the UN Network