Trump impeachment

I highly doubt the Senate is gonna pass the articles
But we’ll see


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Aaaand now there’s only one article.

Plenty more articles where that one came from.

Also, the article itself does not support the headline. The article itself has a highly biased stance that could be styled as “partisan,” and exhibits all the earmarks of having been composed along the usual GOP talking point lines, composed by people who are not constitutional lawyers and continue to talk about constitutional issues as though they were matters of ordinary criminal and civil law.

They are not, and are not intended to be. A lot of this was settled 45 or so years ago.

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Where exactly does it say the Supremes nixed obstruction?

Didn’t Pelosi say something about that she wasn’t gonna release the articles to the Senate unless they agreed to her terms?

No, she said until The Trump enablers show humanity the Trial Rules they put together. She will hold onto them.

Sounds like she wants them to agree to her terms.

Let’s impeach her on quid pro quo… cause that’s literally what it is.

I think you’ve missed the meanings of “literally” and “quid pro quo” in addition to thinking that “quid pro quo” is somehow a proper ground for impeachment in all contexts.

For the record, too, no one can “impeach” Pelosi except the dem caucus in the HOR and no one can easily remove her from her congressional seat except the voters of her congressional district. The Constitution isn’t THAT complicated…try reading it carefully.

It was a joke, not a dick. Don’t take it so hard.

Pelosi needs hung from the rafters, though.

She needs to send the fucking articles. It’s literally her job.

One thing the founders did not do is leave any clear instruction on what the rules or procedures of a Senate Trial on Impeachment are, so it’s left up to the parties running the show to sort of make them up. I listened to a guy that worked on the Nixon Impeachment, they dug up all the Records of the Post Bellum Johnson Impeachment and studied them for how they did it then 100 years prior.

Yes, hold it so it doesn’t come to fruition. :roll_eyes:

If the Democrats want to be the “better party”, they better start acting like it.

Dancing with the stars doesn’t work all that well, when your dance partner is a compulsive cheater.

Imagine just doing your job description.

When was the last time Congress ever did that?

Write your Congressperson, a beautiful letter.

So if delaying aid to Ukraine is impeachable… should Pelosi be impeached for delaying aid to…um… US?
