Those who live in glass houses -- the grammar edition

LOL. That drives me up the wall, too.

Some purposes are less intense than others.

Hi, Clue. :kiss:



Sooo many people spell ridiculous incorrectly. I’ve seen rediculous, ridiculus, ridikulos… Arg!!!

I have a friend who says things like this:

My sister come over yesterday and seen all my bills so I says to her, “Can you borrow me some money til pay day? I would of paid my bills but I had to buy 3 foot of hose for my venchtable garden. Growing plants is so fustrating!”


I have to say, I’ve never seen it used as a verb before now…

I might say, then, that BD6 ridiculouses a lot lately.

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Stupid MS.

Thanks for pointing it out. I fixed it.

No worries, I was just funnin’ ya.

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Poor Oak

You guys picked on her so hard she ended up admitting she was stupid

“cognitive problems”


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I have “cognitive problems (impairment)”. :((

Yeah, but you see, nobody had to pick on you for that to surface

I picked on myself. That’s how much of a grammar nazi I used to be.

I’d love to see you picking yourself :smile:

I just love cracking autoimmune disease jokes. :smile:

I have my own language - fer about 50 years now - it makes me raff

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I enjoy your style.

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