Thor's Well claims another one

Coast Guard suspends search for man swept into ocean near Cape Perpetua

Thor’s Well near to the shore at lower tides you can walk out right up to it, and a couple times a year someone (A Tourist 99.99% of the time) gets washed out to see.

Looks like a pretty amazing feature. I’d have fun exploring it with a drone, but no fukkin way am I wading out to look closer at it.

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Google has a lot of nice shots of it.

oh come…

Another Oregon question for ya…

We were on the coast at some place where there’s a narrow passage under a bridge that opens up into like a cove? It had lots of little shops and sold salt water taffy. I think there was a lighthouse or museum off the main strip.

It would be an hour and a half of two hours from Salem.

Know the place?

Depoe Bay


Nailed it again!!!

Thank you :smiley:

Hay Apey, I can’t find the remote?



Where-else would he be?

Everything he needs, is right there.

Drone footage of Thor’s Well.


Ah, now I see how it operates.

Wow. Fascinating. But wise to keep one’s distance.

Bronze Age coming in the 90s!

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