The truck driver that almost went off the bridge

Was cut off by a car and braked and that saved him

he said the car went over the edge


3 threads on the bridge thing, all started by you

Thanks fer keeping track

the next one will be 4 then

Yer spaghetti one turned into a bridge one do there ya go

I think Six would rather someone would follow him around with a mop bucket and merge stuff as needed. He never takes offense at that, and bitching at him just pisses him off.

Good janitors are hard to find though.

I am getting to the point where life is too short to be concerned about anything.

I will take a page from theOne

He used to smile and go play golf

I will smile and go play chess

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There’s a family upstairs from me who are from Florence Italy. The woman who owns the condo has an accent and her parents who came over from Florence to live with her speak only phrases and broken English. They know EXACTLY what happened to that bridge and told me all about it last night.

Mafia money, cheapest connected contractor. They’re frankly surprised more haven’t fallen.

I knew it, it was Obama all along!

I ain’t got the authority.

Ask Billdo for a panel. Hell, ask him for mine since we don’t need two mods. I could use a break.

How about we keep things like it is

theR does need any more stress