Started walking in the mornings last week

Don’t do situps, they’re not good for your back. Do planks, start on your knees and then work up to about a minute, then when you can do that, get off your knees and go back to 20 seconds and build from there. And try to keep your shoulders back, bringing your shoulder blades close.

Do the same with side planks, but always keep your lower knee on the ground. Work instead on time.

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What are planks? I used to do this thing where I would lay on my back and gradually lift my legs, in increments.


Theys got some videos on youtube. I will check them out.:sweat:

The guy in my first pic needs to get his shoulder blades back.

I am doing mouse click exercises

50 clicks with the left hand
50 clicks with the right hand

I am up to 3 reps

exhausting it is


I recently learned that you can do that with the tv remote too.

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I’ve got the running in place up to 13 minutes or so today… I’ve just kept increasing it, hope to be jogging in California… running seems to help with my torso more than walking… still doing situps… up to 35 at a time. I might try to find a gym once I get out there and try to put some muscle on and then a little fat over the muscle…


I’ve started walking again, getting sort of fat, need to lose some bulkyness… starting to explore different directions from our apartment… I walked quite a ways north today.


I walked like 2 miles today but yesterday it was really nice out and we walked 4.3 miles, all the way to the outskirts of town.



Ooh, go on Mumford day! They’re the bestest!

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What is a “Bottlerock” is that like a nearby Casino or something, and I’m mildly surprised that several of those names are playing a Casino, but maybe the music biz is “evolving”

Not sure what it is, I thought it was just a 3 day concert dealio that was going to be around here, not sure where.

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Holy mole’ sounds cool, save your dough and go!

However, given the locale, the fees are probably on a Burning Man Festival level.

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yeah I was thinking I doubt if I can afford to go unless I marry some 95 year old wine billionaire or something before then.

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holy shit $186 for a one day ticket… Sat an Sun look awesome though.

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Given the times, that doesn’t sound all that bad, still a shit ton of money in my world, but as big star music events go, doesn’t seem too bad at all. But then Beer is prolly $15.00 a pop, Wine $20.00 and cokes $7.50 Small Bottled Waters $5.00 and so on.