Something to think about

The protests were organized by women. They were massive. Great turnout around the world. Possibly the biggest ever. And violence? Minimal.

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That’s because men = violence.

Who said they didn’t vote for Hillary? It’s not like the March and the election fell on the same day.


I suggest you stop stealing lines from Trump’s Twitter feed.

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I used to kickbox. I’ll raise my voice to any man I damn well please.


They went to the polls and voted against Trump then months and months later, attended a march that they organized after he won.

From Trump’s Twitter:

Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn’t these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly.

Like I said, stop stealing lines from a moron.

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That guy would never do anything that would come even close to requiring me to lift a leg.

It’s the same thing ya knob. :stuck_out_tongue:

If there was no violence why is that old hoor Madonna being investigated for inciting violence as we poast???

Hillary got 3 million more votes than Donny Tinyhands. You people can only win when the electoral college and jerrymandering rig the whole system for you. Lazy fucks. Snowflakey looser babbies.

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So gerrymandering is why teh PIAPS didn’t visit Wisconsin even once. I hadn’t realized that!

I didn’t say that, did I?

Hillary did a lot of stupid shit. And she fucked Bernie. But the fact remains, she got three million more votes than Tinyhands. You people have no good argument for why the guy who got three million fewer votes should rightfully hold the office. It’s horseshit not even you maroons can make smell pretty.

The winner of the popular voat does not at all matter…that’s the only argument needed. Do you need to go back to 7th Grade Civics class?

No, but clearly you Neo-Nazi Snowflakes do.

Speaking of Nazis, your argument that the PIAPS should have won is like saying the Germans won WW2 because they killed more than the other side did.

Getting votes = killing people?

Deport, you are losing it, you know. I worry about you.

Wow, the English teacher who cannot recognize a simile…

That’s not a simile.

Then what is it?


Are you kidding? There were less than 1/2 of 1 percent of US female voters involved.

Massive? Bahahahahahaha!

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