So, I'm seriously thinking about putting in a Pool

Seriously, more Mentos and coke crap?

I’m thinking about doing a pool in the farm too, now that everything is done and I have the space available

Was this your old pool? lmao

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that guy is lucky he won’t go to jail

Peddling nazi propaganda is a crime here

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Hey, at least they get to use the pool. I remember back in the 60’s when the coloreds had to swim in buckets and trash cans,

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Make sure you have your Red Cross pool safety poster that shows niggers doing 90 percent of the wrong stuff

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Only whites can do wrong things in pools.

They should just start colouring people blue, purple and green as to not offend the racially sensitive.

Our world is seriously fucked.

I would imagine several of the South American countries are a little sensitive about the Nazis

No expert but I believe that several SA countries gave safe haven to former Nazi’s.

I think a little trolling is going on here, somebody is just trying to stir things up.

Actually some of the Black kids were being cool and one of the life guards was a Colored Girl, er, I mean Girl Of Color.

Blacks kids shouldn’t be allowed in deep pools anyway becaus they don’t know how to swim and they pee in the pool too much.

You know what’s gonna happen?

They’ll find out that poster was made in some black city for some local swimming pool and that’s why they used mostly black kids, to portray the place where it was first used.

And of course, after that, they’ll just stay quiet

Just like when they found out it was a black guy using racist trolling against black Brazilian actresses in FB.

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The entire topic is trollbait, so the result is not unreasonable.

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Here peachy peachy peachy heeeere