Six, PA needs volunteers to

It wasn’t. Lotus just had to be right, and FIRST! about soooomething. :laughing:

You guys are saying pretty much the same damn thing as far as I can tell. :stuck_out_tongue:

No - she’s saying only she is right…and FIRST!

PS - when obviously I was. :laughing:

PPS: It wasn’t the first time tonight either. She grabed the timeline moving graphic from the NASA article I had posted and presented as if it was her introduction to the info. Typical.

You too, Jeff - learn to read.

PS: My point, in overview, is that all of these trade agreements were conservative attempts to favor the business community at the expense of American Workers - much as open door immigration has been. Time to wake up to who the real enemy is, folks.

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Clinton, if you have bothered to read what I have written is a classic Cato inspired corporate whoring conservative.

Show me where I have ever defended his roll, Jeff. He’s a Con, Obama’s a Con, Since Reagan nothing but Cons with the result of global economic collapse 2008. Keep crying about the policies your ilk have promoted and advanced for the past 40 years.

Clinton signing it into law has been said by Doc, Lotus and me multiple times.

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Obamas policy caused job exodus?

When were wages reduced?

Oh, been going on since the 70’s. Got galloping during the Reagan years. Hey - lets mention Nixon “opening up China” even.

Clinton/Bush, what’s the difference?

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Huh???[quote=“theLastLastHolliday, post:110, topic:17545”]

Clinton was not a signatory to NAFTA, Lotus

Not much, except that Holly Tinyhands is intent on absolving Clinton.

Every word true. Clinton was not a signatory to NAFTA, Lotus.

No I’m not.
Link? Statements of fact are just that, Lotus. Nothing more.
On the other hand - I left the party because of his policies including his ushering NAFTA through congress and deregulating the airwaves.

PS: I’ve correctly leveled blame where it belongs.


/Jesus wept.

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Then why is she arguing with me? You know… I don’t have to esplain it.

My point in enlightening Lotus on WHO SIGNED NAFTA and the congressional voting record was to define these trade agreements as conservative policy. I tell ya - you can explain it over and over and SOME people just won’t get it.
Same appies to “ObamaCare” btw, to say nothing of US immigration policies.

Because you keep saying “No” when she says he “signed” it.

I know what you are saying. It was negotiated and signed by Bush before being ratified and signed by Clinton. She defines “signing” as signing into law.

How is my saying Clinton signed NAFTA the same as Tinyhands Jr saying Clinton DID NOT sign NAFTA?

I never once said 41 didn’t sign it. NOT ONCE. But Tinyhands JR said repeatedly that Clinton DID NOT sign it. How the actual fucking fuck is that the same as what I am saying?