Poison Ivy

Where I live they don’t like people to buy fireplace wood from non local sources because that is a means of introducing invasive bugs into the local area. I wonder if the same thing occurs with the bagged soil.

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I’m sure some bugs move with it too.

Thank you for your self sacrifice.

I don’t know what I got bit by but what was quarter sized welts that itched like crazy yesterday are totally gone today. All I did was wash my arms with Dawn after I came in and sprayed it with ISO alcohol when I saw it welted up.

I just came across this:


That looks the way I feel.

I have had it a lot worse then that - no bubbles thou

that’s nothing really

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My buddy didn’t get so much as a minor rash, but two years in a row when I was about 12 or so, I got poison oak bad mostly on my face and upper torso that one year my eyes were swollen shut, and and I had runny open sores and water blisters like the arm in the pic. The worst year was at Christmas Time,we went to Grannies and stayed the night at xmas eve and I remember my Cousins and sisters etc coming up to see me and I could tell by the look in their eyes, that I was a hideous mess.


tough guy. huh?

No, I was not tough at all - I had to wear a suit at work and went thru about 3 rolls of paper towels a day - My wife the nurse neglected to tell me a round of meds would have made it go away so I used clorox after my buddies 16 year old daughter told me it worked - she was right - it worked - I had 5 times worse then that pic

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I googled some pictures and it turns out that I have some in many areas of my yard. I am glad that I am aware now!