LotusBud, for you to enjoy

What about sexism? “Sexism I don’t have the energy to wrestle with you over,” says Yiannopoulos, who, I can personally confirm, is the maple-cured bacon of misogynist piggery — oily and sweet and crass and, on a gut level, dreadful for your health.

I don’t enjoy reading crap about Milo. He is a horrible, hateful person. So, of course, he would be a CON hero.

It is more about his followers though. Milo will bounce back but the Milo bros are sort of screwed.

They’ll find another hero in the Breitbart/Stormfront stable.

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Why do you think the Left can’t speak to them?

Because they want to be stirred up by hatred and division, not by the desire to improve their country. See 1930s Germany for help in understanding.

Why bother trying to rationalize with some republican reject, beat them with a 2x4 I say.