Libtard campus "feminist" needs chocolate cake photoshop

He was saying the woman was fat and food would shut her up because she’s fat and that’s how you shut up fat people.

You’re welcome.


I heard Crowder’s full rant on the radio today. He needs to come talk to some of the professional victims here. We need to have an intervention.

Milo Yiannopolous and Christina Hoff Sommers were really good too. Milo is hilarious.

Isn’t Christina Hoff that babe from the Bangles?

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Just beat me to it.


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Feminism should not be an equal right to be as fucked up as a male counterpart in the same roll. More like being respected for who you are in an egalitarian society since men are not women and visa versa. I think it is a great indictment against a society that there needs to be a feminist movement at all rather than all people being valued for what they do the necessary rolls they play each being equally important to the whole. NOW TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE MISTER! lol