It's about Time ICE started cracking down on those Snow Mexicans!

Teen jogger who accidentally crossed U.S. border from Canada is detained for two weeks

Well she looked Messican.

Two weeks, huh? They didn’t put her in a detention facility and lose her? I wonder why they enforce the law so disparately?

They shoulda throwed her in prison as example to the other wetbacks coming here to steal are welfares!

Did she get a designer cage?

Yeah, it was small and used only as a display by stupid pro illegal immigrationists.

Mission Accomplished.

Weren’t you just whining about lying and manipulating messages?

Yeah, the libs like to manipulate to push their anti everything agenda

That is not correct. Perhaps you should question your sources.

What about the liberals in my area disguising the gun ban as an anti grocery tax or $30 car tab?

You should shoot liberals that want to take guns away from violent people!
