If she weren't my daughter, I'd probably

Children of the corn ^^^^

That was rather uncivil.

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How old were you?

Hmm, I think Iā€™m about 5 or 6 there.


I donā€™t know if anyone has noticed but if the Donald thought of women as anything but the fleshy matter surrounding a vagina he, just by chance, would have married one who was even average looking, but clearly what concerns him is appearances and not substance. So - when he talks about Ivanka, and says she is beautiful one can be sure he isnā€™t talking about her soul, her unique perceptions, artistic sensibilities, her values, her mind - no, heā€™s talking about her body - and when he says heā€™d go out with her if he werenā€™t her father, what I see it to mean is that he understands that society places a taboo on that extension of a parent child relationship even though he doesnā€™t quite understand why, but if it didnā€™t - then heā€™d fuck her.


Well said, Goofus McGoofyface.

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Geez, HolliWoody. That was pretty damn good.

So if you find women attractive you want to fuck your daughter?

I think youā€™d be hard pressed to find a parent who doesnā€™t think his/her child is beautiful. Are we all a bunch of perverts who want to fuck our kids if they werenā€™t our children?

Come on!

I accept the guy is a superficial asshole who says stupid shit for publicity but I think itā€™s a stretch to say he wants to fuck his daughter.

Iā€™m curious if any of you have seen the clip where he made that comment? I mean before you just went and looked it up right after you read this post. Iā€™m betting not one of you hasā€¦

I saw him make the comment, yes. Itā€™s creepy.

For the class, was he serious or joking when he made it?

Iā€™m not participating in this conversation, just merely reading the thread. Thus, I donā€™t mind saying that I never go out of my way to watch a fukkin clip where that maggot says anything about anything.

All I can say about this thread is, you seem awfully combative for someone whoā€™s grossly outnumbered.

Is Patrick joking here, or is he serious?

PS, I admire your spunk in sticking to your guns here, but I mostly disagree.

It doesnā€™t matter one bit whether he was joking or serius. It was creepy, in either case.

Iā€™m argumentative/combative at the best of times and Iā€™ve never backed down from a point Iā€™m right about because Iā€™m out numbered.

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Of course context matters. You of all people should know that.

Talk about reading comprehension! Thatā€™s not at all what he said, and I think you know it. So youā€™re just being disingenuous.

I agree that heā€™s an attention whoring, superficial piece of shit. I just believe that point could be easily demonostrated without dragging his relationship with his daughter (or any of his children for that matter) into the fray. To pervert his relationship with his kids to degrade him remains low brow and scuzzy in my books for the reasons I have outlined.

I truly believe everyone here is capable of making their negative points about Trump without twisting his familial relationships.

Please donā€™t even try that disingenuous shit with me or I will be forced to call you a hypocrite and Iā€™d rather not endure another one of your trantrumming meltdowns TYVM.

He cracked a joke about a hypothetical situation on a shit show which was followed by laughter, jeering and further joking. To take it seriously would be ā€œdisingenuousā€.