Got to Go Face the Music Today

I did a little rabble rousing end of last week - ruffled some feathers, and I think the folks at work may have had just about enough of my antics.
I’m going to use up the remainder of my posts here this morning so you won’t have to weep and worry for me when I become unemployed and homeless, all because my sense of fairness, justice, and revolt got the better of me in a society which sees those things as evil archanate.
Never wonder why there are so many foreign workers in the US workplace. They question nothing and think the streets are paved with yer gold. They are fearful and compliant - that is why employers love them so. It certainly isn’t that they are more qualified, or better workers than their American counterparts - they aren’t, but they do work for less and do only as they are told.
sigh - anyways, fare ye well, internetsky friends.



At least try to check in from the public library from time to time.

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I don’t think so - I was banned for burning the Library’s copy of the KooKooranz.


Exactly -

You’ll be fine

This reminds me of that spring day whilst I was attending College, I was wearing a Jacket and tie for some reason and was strolling purposefully somewhere or other, when a young bohemian dressed, gender fluid Debutante asked if I would like to purchase a copy of The Daily Worker, off the cuff I commented that I revolted at the office, she giggled, I chuckled, then our eyes locked and soon were found ourselves in an empty classroom we made boom boom in rather bourgeoisie manner.


I gave it a like for standing up for minority workers not for your potential job loss. I sincerely hope you don’t lose your job.

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Don’t sweat it man. With today’s labor laws today you almost have to rape or murder someone at work to get fired. Just blame your erratic behavior on a substance abuse problem or tell them your suffering from work related PTSD. You’ll not only keep your job, you’ll probably get a bunch of paid leave.

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Listen to him Holliday, He’s in Pre-Med!

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I figure I’ll go with Age Descrimination. SUE THEIR FUCKIN ASSES ! :angry:



Unemp is the best money in the world anywho

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Here you don’t get unemployment when you get fired.

Heere if you get fired “for cause” like stealing or sich, it’s very very hard to get.

Here it doesn’t matter. If you get “laid off” you can get EI but not for termination.

Where I live you get it unless it’s stealing or something violent - like someone already said

When you lay people off here your rates that the employer pays into the fund go up - so hell everyone would just be firing people to keep the rates down

so that is why unless you steal or wreck stuff you get it easily

We pay into the EI fund. It’s deducted off our paycheques.

Would something like insubordination count as just cause in your parts?

It could, I worked for a guy years ago that was robbing the owners blind, he had even earlier requested that he become a 1099 Employee like a contract Employee, so he had zero deductions taken out of his paycheck, nothing zero, after they fired him(once they realized he was ripping them off) he filed for unemployment, he jumped through hoops for a couple months and ended up getting it.

Sure - but yer still gona get the money

I worked in a shop where we had to be in at 6AM - be late 5 times in 3 months and you were fired - even fer a couple minutes

here the employer and the employee pay into the fund - but if the employer lays a lot off he has to pay a higher rate


A friend of mine kept his factory job for years using this method, plus he’s a pretty hard worker but he suffers from tell it how he sees it type shit too… Intimidate the candy asses in the office, make them scared to fire you, make them think you could blow a fuse at any second.

My brother has lost a lot of jobs this way, I had to tell him he was basically an asshole and he needed to tone it down if he wanted to keep a job. Problem is he’s one of the best IT guys around and seems to be aware of it.

His last 2 jobs he had at the same time both wanted him, so he went with the first to offer him a promotion and fulltime w benefits, and the other job begged him not to go. The loser in that was a customer service advisory (essentially training the millenials in the group how to not be assholes to customers) in a large chain, where he turned that branch from bottom 10% to top 5 (store, not percent) in the country. But they guy over him was a dick anyway and my bro was fine telling his bosses why he wouldn’t stay, for starters my bro shoulda been the one running shit.

So I guess he needed to hear “don’t be an asshole”.

Doc, if you’re listening, sorry it’s too late for you