Ecuador Sucks

Fuck Ecuador and Russia.And that scum, Julian Assange.

Why does Trump refuse to send a wet team into the Ecuadorian Embassy and end this guy?

Are you high?

He got him elected


I think that’s what Apey was alluding to…

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Like he would care?


Keep your eye on the ball. We have bigger fish to fry.

Why the fuck would trump care if Ass got him elected - everyone already knows it -

hills wants him dead - not trump

Well Hillary has killed everyone that has crossed her path, so…

Oh, thought you were talking about Apey.

You’re right, if Trump could, he’d give him a Medal of Freedom.

Yeah, ya made my head hurt - but that’s OK -

Well, Trump and Apey are both “he’s” and I had just posted about Apey…so, you make your own head hurt.

You really defy the idea of clear communication. I’m sure that’s my fault too



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