Come on in, Babs

The fires are nice and toasty!

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“Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? It’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?” the former first lady said in an appearance on ABC News’ Good Morning America that aired in March of 2003.

The larger context of the comment appeared to be Bush saying that she did not want to pay attention to speculation that her son was about to lead the country into war, which he ultimately did, days later.


I agree, plus that movie about Nash had just come out, so it was a meme on everyone’s mind.

But it does illustrate how people just don’t want to think about the consequences, intended or otherwise, when it is too stressful to actually consider.

It’s especially easy to avoid thinking about the consequences when you’re a wealthy family that doesn’t pay the price for wars, and, indeed, probably profits handsomely off of wars.

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Ah, so the entrance to hell is a bait and switch, eh?

Melania sitting next to a real president at Babs’s funeral.

Have you ever seen a photo of her as first lady looking this relaxed and actually smiling a real smile?


That’s the happiest i think I’ve ever seen her, maybe just maybe, she’s not a bot

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She’s sitting next to an actual human being. Stunning.

I hope Donny doesn’t see that pic. He’ll take a hit out on Barack. Or tweet him to death.



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Whoa, Barack even took Melania to Disney World!


The whole fucking family is a creation of the devil