Clintoon and Trump belong in the nursing home

Instead of running for president… enough of these old senile baby boomer turdballs… Boomers it’s your last run to totally fuck everything up like you have been all our lives, better make the most of it.


Wow they are boomers
not me

Maybe you can trade fake paper stocks with em in the nursing home.

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But, but…the TAXES :sob:

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This’ll leave a mark. The Newsweek reporter who pointed out all Trump Organization’s many questionable tentacles just also dropped this:


Well, I believe Jill’s a Boomer. There are Boomers, and then there are Boomers.

Boomers run from '46 to '64, this is hardly their last hurrah.

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I started to quibble with this, but then I realized I was doing an apples to oranges thing. Yer dates are about right.

At one time, “hippies” of the “flower children” variety were thought to cover the 1946-55 era but astrologers soon proved that there were roughly four year windows before and after those dates where maybe 40% of those born were also “flower children.” due to the apparent retrograde motions of Neptune particularly, and Pluto and Uranus to a degree, causing them to see-saw back and forth between astrological signs. I, for instance, am an early bird flower child born in '43 but not a boomer.

Old outdated crooked racist rich white people…


I’m not interested in hearing about the retrograde motion of Uranus, friend.



body is invalid

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