About those deportations

So, is our God Emperor incompetent or are you afraid of what he’s doing?


Why? Send the little beaners home with their parents so “families won’t be separated.”

That IS what the libs whine about, isn’t it?

Why shouldn’t these “children” be sent home with their illegal alien parents? WHY?

A blatant lie, as you already well know.

Because as you well know, they are anchor babies and the law just doesn’t read to suit you.

Yours to disprove, pal.

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Actually, that ruling is an utter and very intentional perversion of the Constitutional amendment under which these foreign cunts come here and plop out a papoose and claim all the goodies they get from the stupid gringo.

Fuck them! You liberal bleeding hearts don’t want to “break up families,” then send the papooses home with their illegal alien criminal parents.

Who did them after Eisenhower removed millions of illegals in Operation Wetback?

I’ll tell you who did them – fucking Americans … ask Cesar Chavez’ ghost who was adamantly opposed to illegal immigration (as you well know).

So I should give the slightest shit about anyone else’s children, foreign or not?


They ain’t my kids.

You shouldn’t, if you have an authoritarian personality disorder and are a Cretin.

I’ll own the cretin part, but keep your marxian pablum to yourself. I know you just discovered that aspect of the Frankfurt School scum, but it’s old hat and I’ve destroyed and eviscerated all those old tired arguments years ago.

… I think Spoonie was around then for the tail end of those troalls.

LMAO. Of course you did.

I did. You shoulda been there. I’d have had you eating out of my hand.



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IIRC, Edna wiped your face with her briefs…and I use the term loosely since they were kind of capacious. Why would you think you’d do better with Lotus?

NO. Edna wasn’t there for those. You are misremembering … again … (rolleyeyesmiley)



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None of us would be here if there had been borders, and citizenship and passport requirements 100, 200 years ago. Where did this idea come from?

That’s how things were before we invented things like prophets and electricity.

From the fact that you guys were blessed with richest, most powerful country in the world, a land that is coveted by most of the world.

If 100 years ago, people in Africa weren’t flocking to go there, it’s because they were happy where they were, or at least didn’t have the means to go to such far places.

When war and famines were ravaging Europe, what did the ones that could do? They went there. IMMENSELY luckily for you, their customs and habits were all a lot like yours, so they melted easily into the so called big pot.

But imagine how different America would be today if you instead had received tens of millions of blacks or muslims in the turn of the last century? I’m sure that if that had been a possibility back then, even the people of those times would have taken some measures.

And today? I think no explanation is necessary. Opening your borders today for anyone to come in would be suicide within a couple years. Every single criminal organization in the world would get into human trafficking to bring the hundreds of millions, possibly even billions of people that would want to move there, I think that’s pretty obvious.

But hey, that would stop immigration at some point, because America would have been consumed into a hell of civil wars and poverty, so who would want to move there?